What are factory entrepreneurs, build by Stanford and MIT, backed by VC?

There is process engineered by schools like Stanford and MIT where they can produce volume entrepreneurs with very high chance of success rate. There are programs and associations focused solely on the well being of the entrepreneurs. The associations provide a wealthy network to make sure all the proper guidance is available. There are many specialized books and research provide for Stanford and MIT students that is not accessible to mainstream schools. Mainstream schools don’t provide any entrepreneurship help, compared to Stanford, MIT and Ivy League school, etc. Many literature includes understanding traits for future successful founders, investors, their reason for success, internal motivation, will and skill. By the school, it’s easy to identify which network a venture capital or entrepreneur might have access to. With the social networks, it’s easy to trace who is connected to who. The mechanism is still introduction based, where introductions are made to jump across various networks, whether school or venture capitalists. With money, the venture capitalists and entrepreneurs have to learn the law very quickly because there are many bad people out there, fool CEOs and VCs for little cash. Crimes are committed, when the stakes go too high. The factory entrepreneurs go to same networking events. They have access to same people. They understand the same core business and school values.