What are some of the auspicious symbols on currency?

There are many mystical stories around the symbols on the currency. The meanings are lost, however when the currency was established, our forefathers knew exactly what they were doing. They were much more spiritual than we are, possibly because lack of media, television, mobile and social distractions, so they focused more on reading books and learning. The pyramid is clearly displayed. It shows the hierarchy they understood from their forefathers. America is build like a startup, hence there were making taking parts in the development, many foreigners from all across the globe, either as slaves or trading. The ever seen eye of the ruling government is displayed on the top. There are also mystical numbers which points towards numerology. There are also constellations, which points to study of astrology. The closeness to God is clearly observed. Both the influence of animals, for example eagle from Native Americans and the cross, which symbolizes European invasion on the currency.