What is a snake or serpent within the social pyramid?

The snake is the most auspicious symbol, that reflects back to Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden. The snake is nothing much than abundance of energy that is received by a person, based on the social projection, for example major label artists, presidents, or anyone with large social presence. What most people fail to realize is that due to a twenty four hour projection of people, seven days a week, always in the psyche of the famous person, the psychic snake becomes active. The result is most common symptom of insomnia. Because of constant projections, the person cannot sleep. All famous people have to deal with a way to encounter the snake. Once the snake is reached, yoga and meditation needs to be in practice, otherwise the projection becomes too loud. Many famous people result in drug or alcohol overdose, as a means to cope. The medication is temporary. All important decisions are made in reflection of a snake. The Doors, one of the most popular bands of the 60’s recorded, The End, song that reflects the snake that Jim Morrison was feeling. Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, although born in different decades, still had issues dealing with the kundalini snake. However, the kundalini snake is well documented in yoga and vedanta. Most San Francisco ashrams and yoga workshops provide classes to calm the kundalini energy of the serpent.