Why is that fame brings lots of energy, and forcefully opens kundalini in stars of the pyramid?

The social media is giving rise to many new personal brands, people becoming famous, like Coca Cola. When we think about Coca Cola, there is a sensation we get. This is because of the mass media advertising that goes behind the sales of Coca Cola. They control the distribution for flavored beverages. As people become brand, they have followers. The followers in social media are always checking on their favorite brands. This creates a flux of energy, especially nowadays when the world is global. The east, India and China, are melted in the west, United States, so while people in United States are awake, people in India and China are sleep. So when affects the other. The body has to generate equal amount of energy, or prana to parse this new media driven projected energy and create own space to perform actions. This opens up the kundalini, or the internal chakra energy, to create the new space, if the social media projection, or the fanbase is too large.