Once a person is a star of the pyramid, why do they become immortals?

We live in a global world, where east and west are one. I have family in Pakistan, while I live in United States. While I am sleep, they are awake, so their energy projection is on me while I am resting. Physically, the body has to create the proper shield to handle all of these projections aggregated together. The more people that are followers, the bigger the projection. Add all the people ever helped and their projections. I picked up yoga, because this helped me deal with these society projections, especially coming from facebook. There were many family members in anger, because I was building my own startup. Hence there was constant set of jealousy towards me. Through yoga, I meditated on OM, nada, the sounds of silence and I was able to distinguish energy, the feminine aspect of yoga, shakti, with nada, the immortal sound. According to Vedanta, Patanjali Sutras, once the person reached the soul and accepts It, the soul is ‘moksha’ or liberated or jivamukta, the person that is liberated. Once the person reaches that state in yoga, there is completion. No more searching. There is peace. There is contentment. However, the society projection continues to increase, because they realize your greatness. Once a person reaches any amount of success, the society projection will always be on, hence the state of immortal. The realized souls see the pyramid clearly, as well as ghosts.