Beyond Yoga

The Universal and Divine energies are always collapsing and expanding. The nature has to conform to the growth of civilization. When civilization takes a leap forward, the Universe is there to guide for even greater exploration and expansion. When the civilization is moving backwards, in our increase of cruelty, karma, love, etc. the Universe pulls back, in the form of destruction, whether nature, life, relationships or love. This is due to the fact that there is a higher conscious energy that is always watching and guiding us. If we disobey the laws, then we have karma, whether individual, country or the world. The Universal and Divine energies are subtle energies in the body, that control the whole system, whether our mental, emotional or physical nature. By studying yoga, we realize that to know yoga, we have to practice hatha (physical), raja (meditation), karma (selfless service), bhakti (devotion) and jnana (knowledge). When all these aspects are practiced together, they create a sense of harmony and totality, a balance within us. With this balance, we can examine the nature carefully and study it's dynamic unfolding. We see a union of individual with the universal and transcendent existence, a relationship between humans and Cosmos. Prajna Prasrta Purani - Wisdom that went forth from the Eternal since the beginning, defined in the Upanishad. The superconscious is always adjusting to the intelligence level of humanity. The knowledge has always been given to us. The intention of consciousness is always for us to be the brightest and more loving, however humankind has changed the laws that worked against it. The process is due to the fact that there is always a shadow that goes parallel with our elevations. If the weight of the shadow goes higher than human consciousness, then the mainstream gets stuck in negative patterns, although it gives a great opportunity for a few to get enlightened, and get closer to God. The enlightened ones that again work to help the humanity and help it make gigantic leaps forward. The enlightened mind is One that can see itself, or the Self apart from all energies and activities around it. The Self in this case is merged with God, or Brahman. The enlightened Soul through purification, and following the path of the masters and gurus, serve, love, give, meditate, purify and realize, and using the teachings as tools to move ahead. If a single enlightened Soul moves forward, the rest of the humanity follows, because the consciousness is always examining the patterns of human beings. Directly or indirectly, we are all connected. If One Soul has the ability to move forward, so can the rest. Hence the karmic cycles of nature kicks in, giving larger opportunities to the ones that are closer to God, and pull back from the ones that have already withdrawn from the help of God. The pure intellectual mind of an enlightened One liberates itself from the illusion of the maya, the body and the senses, liberating itself from the imperfect modes using discrimination, walk away from imaginative causes, and mindful of every action. The enlightened Soul is ever conscious of higher and lower nature. It is our duty in this life to purify the body, mind and uncover the unveiled Spirit that is merged with Brahman or God. God is not an outward projection of a superpower, rather the Soul that is within. Once we discover transcendent and cosmic meditations and discover Anahata Nada, we find ourselves at the beginning of the manifestation of the Spirit, where the Soul becomes One with God. God needs us as much as we need God. Hence through an elevated Spiritual experience, we become the body, mind and heart of God. We then go to places where needed, work as required and start uncovering the big picture of Creation. Once the human being purified, there is a harmonious connection between body, mind and Soul, hence creation of a perfect living being, itself a Godhead, the perfect human being. The pure Atman or Soul is a dreamer, a dream of perfect beauty, conduct, truth, seeking new forms of the Eternal, or revising the old, the pure Soul of super mentality. The energy of such is looked by human beings with great love and fond memories when they pass away. The reason for this is whether a Soul is living or dead, the conscious is immortal. Hence we can continue to channel the masters, gurus, prophets, saints and auliya even though they have passed on to the other side. However, their guidance is always upon us when invoked. The consciousness is ever living, adjusting to our decisions of free will. But some of us get lucky, doing all the work necessary to get closer to God. The elevated ones ever continue to strive towards God, and help humanity, loss or failure is not important, however the struggle is, that reflects continued devotion and love to unite humanity and increase consciousness and awareness. Renunciation is a key ingredient to spiritual evolution. The practitioner or Sannyasin must withdraw from the materialistic world and reject it partially or wholly and live in the Spirit. It's important to go inward and physically away from world's impurities, a spotless isolation to examine and study current scriptures and knowledge of God as a whole, and not just one part only, which may lead to fundamental belief system. Being open to new knowledge, and expecting every word fully, without questioning and confrontation. Be respectful to the giver of knowledge, as even if the knowledge is not correct, it can always be investigated later. Consciousness is dynamic, hence it's important to study today's laws, rather comparing to ancient teachings only. The ancient ones didn't have the luxury to study our current conditions, hence once we master the ancient knowledge, we are develop by understanding and love new patterns. Spirit is the crown of Universal existence, matter is the basis and mind is the link between the two. Hence all karma is always released in a physical body. Spirit provides the guidance and mind acts. Nature is very conscious of our sacrifices and actions, hence quickly adjusts to our rapid revolution. It works by quickening of all Her energies, providing the ideal physical body and mind to work for Her. It is predicted that there will be an age of Satya or Kriya Yugas, after the current Kal Yuga (dark period) where great work will be done by Nature and mankind, ages of the truth, compassion, illumined, satisfied and blissful. It is important for us to study yoga, and then go beyond so that we can be of full service to Nature and God and reach the golden age, or Kriya Yuga.