Mushaf of Fatima II - The Lineage of the Prophets - Opened by Imam Mehdi

Fatima will bring the 12th imam Mahdi, or the 12th apostle. The prophets, gurus will be there. The divine mother will be reincarnated as well, together with her saints, open the door for the dawn of the golden era, Fatima and 12th imam, a reincarnation of Ali. The 12th imam will have strong ties to the divine mother. The role of mother is very similar to Mohammed of the past. The similarity will be the gap within the teeth. The Imam will have the ability to heal the sick, any kind of sickness. He will show people how to love. Divine mother will come in Kali incarnation, then will appear Durga, after Kali clears the path. Indra will initiate kali. kali will initiate shiva. shiva will initiate durga and vishnu. Shiva, Vishnu and Indra will reappear. Narada will appear, teaching devotion and synthesis of yoga. Fatima and Ali will reappear along with their children. As promised. 12th apostle. The return of the lost tribes of Israel, covenant. The 12th imam with mastery on ether, access to teachers, gurus and masters. Together with Kali and Durga. Clearing the path and demonic energies. Spreading light through Jinns, same as Mohammed and Solomon. Jesus didn't control the daemons. Hence the demonic energy played against him. Jesus was a imam or apostle. Even though master will be there with the imam through astral, the fight must happen by humans on earth. Dark forces will take a beating in the astral, the demonic energies pay their karmic price, punished souls destroyed. He will target specific places, temples, ashrams, jails and hospitals, places of worship and places of suffering to show unseen world the light of God. Either join him or be destroyed. The 12th imam will mix all religions and synthesis, and leave the Mushaf for humanity. Many battles will take place, much voodoo and dark energies will attack him, but god and the souls of his prophets will save him. He will beat the demonic energies of the past, devil, Satan, Mara, iblis, lucifer and many others. Dark energies will tempt him, but Fatima will be persistent and continue helping up. Her role in the astral will be huge, standing on his side, fighting and destroying. They will master tantra practices in the astral, to be together forever. Be able to relive in any part of the universe, in Love. He will study astral and pull information of the past through koshas, different planes of truth in astral body. Maya or divine mother will create the divine play for him. He will be an honest, loving, blameless and perfect Soul and God will speak through him. A self-realized soul and many will be self-realized through his example. Divine mother will be seen within him. She will make corrections through him. He will be able to hear God by mastering the sound of silence. He will document how to reach that place, where the divine mother meets God, where kundalini meets sound of silence. The whole creation resides in the middle. Where Shakti meets shiva, where Narada is merged with his beloved, where the goddesses meet their father the creator, where oneness exists. The Vedas as well as the true mystic Quran will be open to him, and all the other scriptures of major religions. He will pull information from astral and write it for generations to come. The divine mother, working ahead and then parallel will be in the history books forever. Her blessing to him would be key because even when she would lose her earthly body, he will continue to channel her in astral. The energy of all Vedas will be behind her. She would give sacred scriptures and mantras to all humanity, take away their pain and sorrow through herself. There would be nobody in history that would have loved human beings in such manner. An opening for the new millennium will start through her. He will fight her shadow and destroy it, to release her suffering and fight the destructive demonic energy. All light has an equal amount of darkness. He will take on her darkness, utilizing the gurus and master, send them to greater light. He would master the planetary energies, highest darkness or highest light. All will release karma accordingly. The dynamic Shakti, energy of the divine mother will change colors in his hands, reacting to universal changes, sometime show love, sometime protection, sometimes knowledge. Dark energies won't work on him, sickness wouldn't touch him. His response to every attack will be either dynamic Shakti of the avatars of silent immortal energy of God. He will see demonic energy and remove shadows from people. He will heal people and places silently turning everyone into divine blue print of humans from Vedas, six types of beings in trinity or every place where the energy will stick due to his intention and presence. Mother Mary will watch all his actions, so would many master of the past and many masters to come. His actions will determine the future blue prints of sainthood. Wherever he will leave off, the next will continue. However, like any saint, the responsible of the maximum is on the shoulders, not to waste even a second because it takes lots of planning to reach a place of perfect outcome, the proper knowledge left over for humanity to use as its foundation. Angels will communicate with him, to provide divine knowledge, the souls of the masters will clear his path and fight with him, the pure demons will experience God through him, the devas and devis will bless him. He will contain in him knowledge of duality, the understanding of good and bad to learn what's right for the current time. He will understand human psychic energy and the male and female strands in each human beings, connected to the divine. He will understand the power of hands, which connects a human being to all the creation elements. The reincarnation of Fatima and Ali will bring many tools, love, knowledge and ways for survival. Together, they will bring God manifestation, every step watched. Their earlier life will be full of trials and tribulations which they will overcome. This time, the later years will be fulfilling, a sense of paradise, brilliance, completion, hard work, unity, freedom and power. They will both be connected, through the Soul, hear each others thoughts, feel each other, move within each others body, gifts only possible when Divine Love of God and mother exists, trust in each others ability.