Startup Winners and Losers

History is made by winners, not losers. Winners: The winners have a social proof with them. Just by their persona, you know they have reached success. They get lots of followers. On Twitter for example, people eagerly wait for their tweets. People get excited. They trust them. They believe what they are saying. The ratio between content sharing and views is great. Once you have made a real impact on someone else, they never forget. They remember the time, when you spent energy with them. The energy spent is not just physical, although the sensations you get through the body are. The connections are much deeper than that, through the soul, heart, mind and body. You feel their love within you. The people you make impact are more than happy to share it with you because they love you. There is laughter, to matter how tough the circumstances. These are the people you want to be around with. They motivate you. They do everything in their power to love and help you. This love translates into bigger and better things. For example, it motivates me to keep going. To keep learning, but more importantly, to keep sharing, with the people I love. They love my passion and drive, however that's what they expect. Snoop Dogg, P Diddy, Marc Andreessen and Hillary Clinton are a few, where I have genuinely shared this love that I will never ever forget. However, this is the reason that they are going into Startup History with me, in my books, be immortal with me. Losers: There is a saying: Monkey does what monkeys do. Jumping Walls Venture Capitalists: These are not Mexico walls, that the Donald Trump style venture capitalists make fun of. These are Twitter walls, blocked by crazy Venture Capitalists. They block people, and if people block them back, they jump twitter walls. I repeat, even though they are blocked on Twitter, they see other monkeys jumping walls, and they start jumping too. I block a lot of venture capitalists because of their dark and shadowy personality. However, these people are so hungry for knowledge, perhaps trying to safeguard their bank accounts due to recent events, they do ANYTHING to get a little information. However, they missed the party already. They don't really know what's going on. Most of the venture capitalists that I see on Twitter are totally confused. They don't see the patterns. However, things are ok, if you know what's going on in the world. If you are caught up with the events, and have the capacity to understand deeper issues, for example Brexit and Turkey. Similar to what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton stated. Things are fine, but some are panicking. The panic comes from ignorance. They want somebody to tell them everything. However there idiots, even if you told them everything, they won't believe you. They always find a weakness in everybody and exploit. So fuck them. Like I always mention, surround yourself with positive people and move away from negative. The negative people, rich or poor, but mostly rich, are heavy weight on your self. Unless, the venture capitalist has written you a fat check, just fuck them. Ignore them. You will end up spending a lot of time, and not get anything. Are you a winner or a loser?