Acceptance of Guru - Brahmananda

In August of 2011, I went to Brahmananda Ashram. As soon as I walked in, the person told me, "Have you visited Guru Ji's room?" My answer was “no”. I have been going to Brahmananda Ashram since 2000, did tremendously amount of learning in chakra healing, yoga, meeting with yogis, healed others over a thousand times, etc. "How come nobody told me about Guru Ji's room?", was my thought when I heard the invitation. I walked upstairs in the room, spent some time there. There was tremendous amount of zen, peace and quiet in the room. The dimension of the air was different. It was very peaceful. I looked around the room and found amazing books. I couldn't stay long enough in that room. It was love at first sight to a Guru. My daughters went in the window, and they were loving it. I made a video of the room, and made a music video later. "Treasures like these need to be shared, rather keeping them in hidden rooms", a voice within. Now that I think of it, they were Guru Ji's words in my head. I chimed for longer stay in the Ashram, after my divorce. It felt like the Ashram was calling my name. "The heart opens the most when we are going through grief", a voice within. I was ready to open for love, but first you have to allow the deepest spiritual influences to take over your life. I started connecting with people at the ashram. I started hearing the voice within more frequently, "Nothing will happen", "Now watch". I started connecting with Guru Ji much more. I started spending a lot of time in his room, looking at his picture. I saw his meditation stick and started aligning my chakras to it on a regular basis. I wanted to be like the Guru. I would kiss his shoes, bow to them. I would sit and do healing work, open chakras and close them. "You are my Son", I would hear. I started having color intuition with him. I would think of an issue or person, consult with Guru Ji about what color of vibe I should have with the person. Sometimes I would see red, or pink. We had regular meditation for Guru Ji in the temple. I started learning Bija mantras, La Lum Va Vum Ra Rum Ya Yum Ha Hum Om Om Aum Aum Only to find that Guru Ji had the same Bija mantra for the chakras in his CD, with Ram invocation in the heart area, invoking God for protection. Guru Ji was very powerful while living, having done autopsy for hundreds of bodies, researching chakras, kundalini and nada sounds, being able to look through his past lives, future lives. He would tell people he came to United States in search of his loved ones from the past lives. He told his disciples that he would be able to help people much more once he has his maha-samadhi, leaving this body and help from astral after death. My favorite CD, "The language of Feeling" gave me so many gold nuggets. "What's important to you? Wife, Kids, Job... None of this matters. Listen to the Cosmic vibration of OM. If you had to tell God you Love him through feeling, what would you do? Somebody is waiting for you. They can wait all life in a corner just to be with you. God can wait." I started listening to Anahata Nada (sound of silence) more and more in his room, temple, yoga room, bath room. Anahata Nada is viral. If one person gets to hear it, other people or places in the surrounding get it as well. I started hearing Anahata Nada in the bathroom, connecting with other yogi instructors and teachers. On Guru Ji's birthday, one of the oldest disciple mentioned how to accept the Guru, as your inner Guru. By this time, I had developed so much love for Brahmananda, that I accept Him as my Guru, mind, body, heart and Soul. The Soul-mate is the inner Guru and Brahmananda became the outer Guru. Both within the Soul. With Kundalini awakening mixing with Anahata Nada, is super conscious state called Samadhi, where I AM is created. It's a documented phenomena in the Vedas and Sutras. I sweated for days, didn't sleep for awhile, release lot of karma and baggage, cleared my Nadis which are astral tubes. The most important and beautiful outcome, my Guru was standing ready, right at the Conscious door for me. I then started hearing him all day long. We would not sleep, rather just talk about healing, Nadis, controlling daemons for protections, working with energies, vampire-ism and how to get the energy back. Baba Baghvandas was Guru Ji's guru, according to him and my mother, my reincarnation. I was working with two Gurus at this time. We started doing lots of experiments, started studying the Vedas and Scriptures where I lacked. Everything was practice. I had worked with chakras since 2000, so I knew quite a bit through practice. Baba Ji and Guru Ji were filling in the missing pieces.