Purification of Body - Part II - Exercise

Qi-gong in Chinese healing describes human body to be divided into three parts. Heaven, human (body) and earth. Through this system, the body can be looked at as a male and female DNA strand, from Heaven through the body into Earth. Through meditation this energy system can be worked and physical energy purified. The body is a temple, the more pure it is, the better it allows us to connect with higher and lower realms. Exercise 1, Qi-gong: Move both hands up in the air, above the head. Move the energy down, through each chakra point. Push the energy out front at the heart level. Emotional energy of people that is no longer needed. Move the hands down to Solar plexus, move the energy aside, left and right side. These are our fears. Continue moving the energy down with both hands to below the genital area. This is a simple practice of moving energy from heaven through the body to earth. Exercise 2, Qi-gong: Move the energy from the ground up with both hands, palms facing downwards, through the 1st, 2nd chakra above, through the body into the heaven. Releasing the ground energy into the heaven. You will feel that the energy outside the body aura is much cleaner than the physical energy aura. Whether above the head in the heaven, or in front of the body where the heart is. Bring these outside energies into the body for purification. Mudras are important aspect of triggering planetary influences into our body. Mudras are deeply emphasized in Vedas, Buddhism and Christianity where lots of picture frames of Jesus and Mary are holding various finger mudras for energy and divine strength. Once the body is purified, then various mudras can be help, triggering planets in our palms. Each palm contains Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto areas. By holding finger on each area, we are triggering the planetary influence. The main four influences being Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. The thumb is the will of God. The palms are divided into three hemispheres: Index finger: Primary influence Jupiter. Contains the three partitions. Triggers the up, middle and down area in the palm on same side. Holding finger tip on index finger triggers Jupiter, middle Mars and bottom Venus. Middle finger: Primary influence Saturn. Upper partition in the finger triggers Saturn. Middle triggers Uranus, Pluto and Mars. Bottom Venus and Neptune. Ring finger: Primary influence Sun. Upper partition in the finger triggers Sun. Middle triggers Uranus, Pluto and Mars. Bottom Moon and Neptune. Pinky finger: Primary influence Mercury. Upper partition in the finger Mercury. Middle trigger Mars. Bottom Moon. Use both hands for trinity mudras. Shiva and Parvati Mudra: Hold the Index finger up while the rest of the finger are held in the palm by the thumb. Vishnu and Lakshmi Mudra: Hold the index finger and middle fingertips with the thumb, ring finger and pinky open and up. Brahma and Saraswati Mudra: Hold the fist, with the thumb inside the fingers. Jesus and Mary Magdalene Mudra: Hold the ring and pinky finger tips on Venus. Thumb sitting on the ring finger. Middle and index fingers are open and up. Animal totem are key in understand divine creation prints. Medicine wheel in Native American culture describes the importance of animal properties and characteristics in our lives. Build a medicine wheel for influences and protection. For example, an animal coming in our path: Eagle - Spirit of God Pigeon - Divine Love Dog - Loyalty Cat - Intuition, ESP. Bat - Foresight Deer - Strength in divinity. Lion - King of the jungle. Crow - Higher intuition from above. Using mudras and qi-gong exercises, move the energy from the feet through the legs, genital, 1st to 2nd, to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakra in DNA helix. If left feet is male, right feet is female, knee is female, right knee is male, 1st chakra left side is male, right side is female. Continue moving energy upwards. Each chakra has a male and female aspect, and protection deities associated with them. For example the 1st chakra protectors are called dakini. The more the energy is purified, the better access to higher intuition. Trinity mudras and qi-gong exercises generate sacred energy into human body and bring the highest form of protection. Use the mudras above for planetary influence energy into the human body. Through astrology we can determine what planets influence our lives the most. Hold the mudra to channel these energies and stick to our divine print in this life. Purification of body leads to Kundalini awakening. A snake, serpent energy, coiled at the base of the spine by continuous and vigorous energy movement within our body. Once enough divine energy through chakras, mudras and purification is created at the base, through meditation the serpent is released, clearing Nadi energies. Nadis are sacred astral channels in our body. Dictated by creation Vedas. The more purer the energy, the better access to super-conscious mind, e.g. God. It's not what we want, rather what we have that is happiness. These exercises create love and happiness in our lives and self-content, the pure Love of Self, which is God.