Chinese Dominance Collapse due to Ali Baba and Jack Ma in Services Business - 4% Market Share

It's pretty obvious that Jack Ma was removed from Ali Baba by Chinese Government, in order to cash out from the stock market. The stock price took a deep dive, and the investors took the money in their pockets. This could be because of what's coming next, in 2021. The plan for unfold shortly. It's unreal to see, how 4% market share that dominate the whole world? What gave the 4%, let's call it X, the power to change the world. Let's look at the coronavirus for example, which caused major disruption worldwide. The stocks and bonds profited. The debts paid off. China currently rules the 5G vaccinations, so the future belongs to them, in terms of energy grids. However, the humans still have to function, which will eventually come out of the human race. It seems that with the dissolution of Ali Baba, China is no longer going to be able to dominate technology. We might have the version 1 of the 5G mRNA already implemented. It is time to dismantle any associations responsible behind them. This means that the coronavirus should be ending very soon.