Cooking Oil

Cooking oil is worst to be used for making food. The cooking oil usually comes in a plastic bottle. It takes 9 bottles of crude oil, to make 1 bottle of plastic. Hence, the cooking oil not only is unhealthy itself, it also consumes the energy particles of the bottle. Hence, even water bottles are not healthy. Always drink fresh running water. The release cycle of food cooked with cooking oil is longer. By taking time between meals, and allow the release cycle to complete in poop, the Chinese dao masters studied the process. Working with a live master myself, I started studying the digestive process and examining myself. When food is cooked with oil, after the release cycle is complete, comes out the toxins. These are painful forms of poop, and very similar to poison. It takes the body time to process these, compare to the water based foods, which are digested easily, faster than any other food. The reason is that the body itself is a multiplex within. It knows what food forms are easier to digest, to make room for the prana, qi or universal energy to operate. This is the spiritual energy of the soul. Potato chips, found is most stores is also very unhealthy. The reason is they are contained within plastic bags and the potatoes are fried with cooking oil. Worse even, the cooking oil is shared within machines for frying. This is the worst quality of oil. Crude oil is what the world fights for. However, by eating food cooked in oil, we take that energy into our arteries and veins. This is the reason why most people are gaining tremendous amount of weight, due to unhealthy habits. The arteries and veins get clogged up. It affects our heart, mind and soul. The best way to be enlightened by food is to cook it by yourself. The love that goes into the food is unmatched. Compare this to food bought at a restaurant. Even cooked food at healthy grocery stores is not always healthy. Study the ingredients. Make sure to understand what's behind each ingredient. Our daily suffering goes behind what we eat and drink all day.