What is the relationship between @LarryChiang, South by Southwest (#SXSW) and @Stanford University? cc @startupljackson @emilychangtv

Larry Chiang is a master of disguise. A brilliant entrepreneur but very secretive. It’s very important to be discrete, if you are doing something of value. Larry has that in him, to one day go all the way up the ladder. But for that to happen, you have to be patient. Not invest overexcited early and burn out, rather be patient. This goes back to his roots, that have very strong Oriental foundation, coming from parents, to make him so strong, to be able to deal with today’s venture capital industry. You need to have a skill. A set of uniqueness, if you are going to be a business entrepreneur and stay in overcrowded venture capital workforce. There are a dime a dozen players, running around, chasing deals. However, how many actually land a dream position, where they are in control of their own destiny? Not many. Larry has balanced that by identifying key players and have an eye for players. He spend a lot of time with Stanford, looking for the next Mark Zuckerberg. Looking back to his track record since 2010-2011 where we spend a lot of time together at South by South West (SXSW), the results are not bad, but no unicorns either. There are many startups sold, in between and the whole network wins, but no unicorns that can make all these people instant millionaires, in the lines of paypal.