Polio Vaccine / Tetanus Booster - Muscle Spasms / Vomiting / Vitamin C - Pakistan under 5 years old - Human Shrinking

With the latest vaccine and booster shots, the medication is deep enough to go deep into the sub-conscious and find relevant memories, as when these vaccine were given, for example Polio Vaccine, when I was under 5 years old. There were muscle spasms, as I recall, as well as human shrinking. Remember the size of Indians in `1600? Remember what they looked like in 1947? These are advantage points for the winners and losers. As society adapts, whether China or America, but lots of scouts, trolls and spies in the middle, more interested in Chinese rule, than American. This is a historic event, where we will see, how the mRNA will respond with 100% façade, a WWW3 within the culture, where two people can't agree to anything.