Commercial Investors - Hide & Seek - Cookie Jar - 63 Stuck in the same Field / English

We are working on advanced techniques to hide the cookies. Then when the cookie gets found - Everybody feels happier. Millions of people, driving and migrating, for a little cookie and heart attack, not suggested, if from older box, 1960, however, it's 2023, today, 63 years later, the mark of the beast. ICE BOX plantation, CIA just opened, for blowing Americans, Hillary Clinton Benghazi, US Consulates wrong INTEL, own team DIED, people dropped from military aircrafts 25 years, Bill Clinton, her emails with tracks of US military targeted by Terrorists, and taking them out + Uranium Deals with Iran & Saudi Arabia, money still being from federal government, hard cash stolen, put in trucks, and hide away in Nevada, not in banks. Kansas Vaults, hire security boxes, to store cash, in Texas, storage unit, rather bank, so federal government can't track it, although there is a serial number on the bill, tracked by WIFI users, for counterfeit cash, experience, with low FICO score, background check and employment history + security clearance violations.