Love Matrix to Dust Matrix - Computer

"From dust you were created and to dust you will return", says the scriptures. The dust refers to non-living particles, including the computer, to which we will return, as AI, Twitter and Facebook where our lives are based on social media, phone and digital. The matrix is an exact replica of where we will be heading, with exact body, however permanent, that we are currently witnessing a nomena, a movie. After the dust Matrix came the cell Matrix where humans were created from a drop of seven that exploded with a big bang. Before the dust Matrix was the love Matrix where the Grand Spirit opened It's eyes, in the Spirit world for 1 year, watched the whole movie of Creation and then heard, "now it's time for you to create something". The Grand Spirit asked, "what?". The voice and the word of the teacher said, "Dust and after, humans". The dust exploded with the computer and AI.