Gog and Magog - Yajuj and Majuj

Hadiyat: The Quran is one of most mystic books, because Mohammad is a mystic. There are many saying of the Prophet, that were captured by people called hadiyat or guidance. This is different than the Quran itself, which was guided by Gabriel. In the Quran, there is mention of hereafter, or the last of last of days. This is a time frame, where the destruction will be at its height. Divine Blue Prints: The spiritual system works with reincarnation and soul blue prints. The same people that had the ability to do a certain task, are reborn. However, the prints are multiplied. Jesus now is within many already, not just one person. This is the light blue print. Compare this to the dark blue print, or devil. With the same theory, the devil is also within many people, equally proportional to Jesus, or the light. The dark and light are always equally balanced. There is also a third blue print, which is a merger of dark and light. These people have advanced so much, that they can go in between either side, without karma or any guilt. These are the liberated souls, the highest of them all. These are the active souls that do the work, in between dark and light. The Quran prediction is that with the help of this third kind, you will be able to distinguish between light and dark people. Gog and Magog: Somewhere in Alexander the great's time, when he conquered the east, he ran into some people in the mountains, close to Mongolia, China and Russia to be called Gog and Magog. Alexander sealed the routes of these people, so they couldn't come out. The prediction is that these people will be trapped for a long time, till an appointed time. There is also mention of demons helped humans, creating this wall. Gog and Magog will be trapped, till the resurrection of Jesus, or the light spreading, very close to the time we are in now. The description of Gog and Magog is defined in Jewish history, Christianity and Islam. Dhul Qarnayn or Zulqarnain is the name given to Alexander the great and the muslims call them Yajuj and Majuj. Yajuj and Majuj (Reincarnation): According to the predictions, at some point, the wall is broken down, perhaps astrally and spiritually, with the reincarnation of Jesus, Mahdi or Indra (same blue print). Yajuj and Majuj start to do great destructions to the world. They are huge in population. Zulqarnain also has a reincarnation, and predictions mention towards being born as king, who has great power in east and west. He is a great man. However, fighting Gog and Magog this time will be a difficult task. So they look towards somebody of a nature of Jesus to help with the task. The predictions also mention that they look deformed. The coming of Dajjal, also a character mentioned in the predictions, whose one eye looks different than the other. Dajjal's influence is large, towards the reappearance of Jesus or Mahdi, and fighting Gog and Magog. There will be great havoc and corruption everywhere. The Beast: The predictions mention another character called The Beast. The beast is a mixture of many characters, look abnormal, and influenced by Gog and Magog. He is the mischief monger, and in his time, 999 out of 1000 will turn dark, however 1 out of 1000 will stay with the pure light of Jesus or Mahdi. Islam predicts that the beast, gog and magog will target muslims, or anyone with light. Allama Iqbal, the poet of the national anthem of Pakistan mentions that in that time, Jerusalem will lose it's power, and hence the beast, Yajuj and Majuj will take over and create troubles. Nature Disasters: The predictions from the mystics mention that there will be natural disaster happening everywhere, climate change, earthquakes, fire in the sky, war and blood. There is also a prediction of fire coming from the North (Arctic), and taking over the whole world.