Sivananda ashram 2012 - 2014 August - The Path of a Yogi

I spend exactly two years at Sivananda Ashram in San Francisco California, from August 1st 2012 to August 1 2014, when it shut down. All the yogis then moved out of the ashram and were displaced. I moved in with a zen master to further my learnings. In the process, I learned a great deal about dao, tao, water, hydration, shaolin monks, kung fu and many other ancient chinese secrets. Sivananda was a Shiva incarnation. I studied his guru, Shankaracharya, who was a Shiva disciple. The vedanta flew out in words of Sivananda, and touch the soul, like One. There is never a doubt or single mistake in the teachings, as if vedanta is received by the chosen ones, in flow. The similar is the case with other great teachers, Jesus, who is also a Shiva, or Sivananda incarnation. Making sense out of the divine blue prints is really the true understanding of vedanta, which is find God in people. Sivananda, a maha yogi in early 1900s, trained many yogis. His greatness, an antidote to all the massive killings happening in India at that time, during the Pakistan and India separation. Sivananda compiled three hundred books on yoga in English, really upset the Brahmins, and send his students and yogis out west. Swami Vishnudevananda and Swami Satchidananda, two disciples sent to San Francisco. Swami Vishnudevananda, a Vishnu or Krishna incarnation, taught thirty five hundred yogi teachers, who taught billions yoga.