Brahmananda - Founder of yoga society of San Francisco and New York

Brahmananda, was a yogi, sent by his teacher, Baba Ji of Bombay in 1940s to teach the west yoga. He build two ashrams. The yoga society of san francisco, which is paid for, with a valuation of a couple of million in Mission District, San Francisco, California. The other in upstate New York, yoga society of New York. My first encounter with Brahmananda in flesh body was in 2000 while I was partying a lot in San Francisco. I was on Haight Street, at a voodoo store, and the storekeeper mentioned that I must go to the Brahmananda Ashram on Folsom Street. I wasn’t a yogi back then, but I was a mystic, being troubled with a girl that I was then interested in, I showed up at the ashram. I met one of the disciples of Brahmananda, who served him before 1993, his maha samadhi, or death. He taught me how to open and close my chakras and I started practicing, fourteen hours a day and opened up all my chakras within days and months. Brahmananda was a doctor, a heart surgeon and a brain surgeon. He did tests on dead bodies, trying to make human and astral connections. Once he pass away, a mysterious cat showed up in the ashram between 1993 and 2000 and entertained everyone. It disappeared shortly after. I went back to the ashram in 2011, having practiced tantra, chakra yoga for 11 years and the manager asked whether I went to his room upstairs. I spend time in his room and started connecting with his astral energy directly. I stayed in the ashram for almost a year, between 2011 and 2012 and practiced yoga. Everyone in the ashram knew that I was one of the deepest practitioner of yoga. My kundalini opened up for the second time, first time being in 2000. Both sides of the kundalini were fully awake, the male and the female side. I had many darshans, the sacred visions, due to the practice of yoga. Before moving to Sivananda ashram in 2012, I had a clear vision that Sivananda has spoken to the head of the ashram and it’s my time for being there. The cards were placed. The practice at Brahmananda was necessary for my next adventure at the Sivananda ashram, where I practiced, but also took the traits of Swami Vishnudevananda, the work ethic, and the focus of Swami Sivananda, the ability to write. As soon as I moved from Brahmananda Ashram to Sivananda Ashram in 2012, I started writing blogs about my practice, recreated blog website, distributed millions of pageviews of vedanta on twitter and facebook. This was never been done before. The ashrams don’t have the knowledge or capacity to go so far and wide, as mytweetmark, my startup. Where the rubber meets the road, hence mytweetmark is the Mr Robot for vedanta, spreading spiritual yoga knowledge to millions.