How will Silicon Valley, California change after the move to Miami, Florida

Silicon Valley wasn't built by these venture capitalists that are moving from San Francisco to Miami. To rewind the tape, whether pure white from America, who are considered Republicans, or Democrats, who make partnerships outside America, for example, China, Russia, etc. and bring outside money in as immigration. Silicon Valley belongs to everyone. However color is color. No matter how long you live in America, could be thousands of years ago, you are not American. This is what white America makes you feel, to it's own, black, brown and yellow. You will never have the privilege, in their #whitelivesmatter view. Till they see someone like me, brown, over qualified for any engineering job. Other engineers start peeing in their pants, when they see me. I pitch for 3 minutes, other people die in their own miseries. I have interviewed thousands, perhaps reaching a million at this point, or perhaps way more. I can tell these venture capitalists to fuck off, and they are right in my face again, the next day. I feel they need something from me. I am thinking the other way, how to unplug. It's your vibe. It's your experience. It's your characters, that the lowly are always competing. We have all kinds of ways to handle these situations. In this case, the venture capitalists are moving to Miami. They will be missed, however will be available on the internet. Their leave is no risk to California.