Astral Yoga

Astral, akasha, ether are all same names for the 5th element. Through deep yogic practices, the state of nada is obtained. From there, we can see shakti as the manifestation principle. All the chakra energy in the human body is connected to the divine mother energy, witnessed only in the state of samadhi or nada. The astral contains all of our history of the past, present and future. All souls, angels and demons reside there. There is continuity, the eternal knot as one of the eight auspicious symbols in Buddhism. Astral contains information of soul groups, teachers and soul mates. Once a soul reaches astral, it becomes immortal. Then the divinity runs through It. The Soul becomes Godhead. "Through advanced meditation through crown chakra, through nada, various loka are experienced. For example, Krishna loka. A heaven. A place of bliss and enlightenment. Various avatars have their own lokas." ‘Become one with Tao, or to harmonize one’s will with Nature in order to achieve ‘effortless action’. - Nada Yoga. "Through advanced yoga practice, awaken kundalini snake. Through hydration awaken dragon. Snake = baby dragon. " "Once you learn to meditate, you learn Nada, the sound of your Soul. Then you learn Shakti, or Chakra energy." "Dark souls become a shadow of the past." "The real truth is buddha, krishna, jesus and mohammad were human beings and mystics. The world turned them into brands." "We live in the world of stories, e.g. when I grow up, I will make $$, etc. Only way around is come up with better one." "Swami Vishnudevananda was 20 years old when turned into Swami by Master Sivananda. Shows how to build yoga leaders." "You don’t find Jnana or knowledge in books. The wise sages knew that. It’s the unconventional that always hold the wisdom." "When listening to Anahata Nada, sound of OM, it’s easy to move into astral plane". “As I am also the One, the Subtle, the Knower, the Witness, … so there is no doubt that I am that or God”. "In olden days, parents surrendered their children, walked a thousand miles to learn vedanta. Now, it’s in front of us." “Caste, laws, family. Beyond all these, name, form, qualification, defects. Beyond time and space is Brahman, God, Allah, Yahweh”. “These two, thou and that, become one when the thou has been purified according to the dictates of the scriptures”. “The mind, when it is free from thoughts, desires and motion, merges in the supreme Brahman. (The state is Samadhi)”. "The teaching of vedanta passed on orally from gurus to disciples. Now with the power of Social media, all have this information." "The guru can bring us to sacred dimensions. We then create the seed for the guru to be reborn. Sacred geometry of yoga. Eternal knot." "Surrender to the divine is one of the highest goals. Things move rapidly quick; the yogi within silently watches." "The devotion to the gurus with bhava and love, purify our astral channels, to receive guidance through angels." "The energy of the gurus is vibrant in astral. By the same teachings, disciples reach them." "The first experience in astral is beyond 1000 books read."