California: Silicon Valley, Los Angeles and Mount Shasta Venture Capitals looking for Brilliant Entrepreneurs to send to Startup Schools across the World - Please contact Us

Silicon Valley is known to have very notorious investors. The ones that have millions and billions and use the money to create their social media presence. Los Angeles is the upcoming startup scene, because of @snoopdogg. Mount Shasta is the new entrepreneur club, providing human capital across California. Many venture capitals from California, are currently moving to Miami, Florida. So here are my tweets from this morning on twitter: "So many back stabbers - you share their post, they delete. Fuck it, deleting all my tweets and starting fresh. Do I need any approval, from a hidden deity? My Morals: What I should or I shouldn't do. By the PHD in religions psychology. No wait - They learned EVERYTHING on twitter. Please continue. Things you never did; you teach others to do correctly. Things you never did - But people you know - Doing it better - It's the same thing - IQ, EQ and different - Same people - Different IQ. Why don't I have a team like this? Every day, someone I can share my thoughts with. I got my wife too early on social media. I have to train myself, plus her, also watch the kids all day. Fuckin zoom. People are climbing mountains - I am sitting here with my dog all year, 2020. Need some working space - I know, these people think of me day and night. Thinking of us - Me is selfish, meme. Ok, how many hours a day a work? You say, how many hours a day I work? I say: "twitter" :) Privilege to teach others that I don't know. So if I don't know something, what do I say? I should work on acting like I know. I am entitlement to speak my mind. That means I have entitlement; Whatever I say is correct. Compare this to entitlement with someone that doesn't actually know. Oh no, fuck, for that reason, we are sitting on Twitter for 10 years. Ok, after 10 years, how do I measure entitlement? I say measure on content and context. I don't think 10-20 years from now, people will remember Twitter. Twitter is a short-term medication. With Twitter medication, you crash. But you don't like any other medications? What are we going to do with you after twitter? We are keeping Twitter alive for you; but guess what, its 15 years old. Because you are at least 10 years old. Think of this way - I am a baby, born in 2021. What would I think of Facebook, Twitter and you? It still comes back to the wife, husband, dog and kids. Doing all these things to empress her. Like living in a time machine on twitter. impress the empress; I left that on purpose, to catch you. This technique of pin point accuracy of catching fish is called: read. It's easy. Don't look at other people's #socialmedia profiles too early in the morning. They, including your family, can sense it. Finish all the reads - Then start your day, which is watch me on Twitter all day, with the family, wife, kids and animals. f a poor person does it, it's bad. If a rich person do it, it's good. If a black person does it, it's bad. If a white person do it, it's good. It's funny how this is programmed, by this amazing school, that parents paid for, that embedded it so deep in the brain. Just can't get it out. Still reading - Haven't looked at anyone's social media profile. It's 8am, on a Tuesday. ok, what's the difference between weekend and week days? What's the hours of work, for a company, between weekends and week days? What's a good time to go to sleep, and wake up, when you have wife and kids, and animals at home? Am I spending enough time outside, as well as inside? Am I getting enough sun? My skin is so white, people can see amoeba's coming out of it.