Virality on Social Media Channels - Bitcoin vs Wall Street - High Frequency Trading Algorithms

Lots of interesting things happening on Shop Ventures this week. Billions of dollars exchanged hands, through Robinhood applications. Many in Wall Street lost money. Many entrepreneurs are now born, with money, taking our DNA and starting their ventures. Sometimes, a little bit of social media, can help. With lots of hedge funds going down and out of business and looking for bail out money - We are suggesting that Melvin Capital, Citrix Research and Robinhood should buy us out! We have the crypto algorithms wall street, high frequency trades and can also teach, lean startup and agile development. The old Wall Street is gone, CNN Money, The Street dot com, Jim Cramer, and all the billionaires that take from the poor. Gives a false reality and bubble for all the rest to live in. It's time for the Robinhood millionaires to invest in venture capital business. Look for partners, investors, advisors and customers. The new earth, new entrepreneurs, born with our DNA. If you are still running manual, and not robotic, step aside, dude.