Plato and Annunaki - Astrology, Space and Bitcoin

The microcosm - soul as epitome, the highest, given the social events. is the macrocosm. so below, so above. So it's your soul that is glowing, into a macrocosm, where nature, animals start to respond to your frequency, especially astrology, since you have a great background. predicted in the hindu vedanta, the birth of the female, understanding dualities, male, female, light and dark. The 9 planets in every hindu temple, also in Palmistry and Numerology. So everything should be aligned, including tarot cards and I Ching. I Ching being the financial, numerological counterpart to Tao Te Ching, the scripture that goes with the money, as universal currency, like ether, 5th element. Corresponding to the studies of Plato and Annunaki, where they came to earth, as in the book, "The 12th Planet", in search of gold. Gold is a metaphor for Bitcoin, however it's the knowledge behind, of microcosm and macrocosm, humans as eternals, where now the movie "Eternals" is coming out. Being in the moment and receiving. Be and it is, turns into manifestation. You get exactly what you need, as defined in Tao Te Ching, "the way" arrives, after the sacred, pride and groom.