Cash vs Coin

Cash vs Coin Psychology: With the latest breakthroughs in brain interface technologies and mRNA studies. The human connection of the senses, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, heart and brain has changed. With ask for vaccines if the reality, non-pigmented, is hard to handle. There are many ways to cope around that, like traveling to another country, e.g. England or local somewhere in America, e.g. Texas. Stay with the vibe of California, and decentralize locally. The psychology of coin has given us a brand new set of opportunities, that some are fast to grab, the others, slow. Looking at each other for ideas, for their next move. However moving in synergy is better than moving with competition. However, if matched by competition, it gives an advantage to study that tier, and move it to your tier. However, cash is in denial. It's like being on the computer or not, phone or not, facebook or not, choices. If you are not working with coin, you have to deal with society pressures. Why and why not?