Who are you?

11:21am 03/31/2020. "Who are you?" End of transmission. There will be permanence, when human beings are going to experience Heaven on earth, knowing that this expression is permanent. While the other side will experience Hell. "Heaven is permanent, there is no death, and no tiredness, when humans will recreate the expression". "The one that will go last in heaven, will leave last from hell". "On the day of justice, a person last going into heaven will be asked about small sins and large sins. The large sins will be hidden. The small sins will be presented to the family. The person will be accused of small sins. The person is not going to be able to say no on the accusations. In the heart, that person is going to be worried that my large sins are not exposed. So will be expressed for each of your sin, there is a blessing. The person will then get up and say to God, Spirit, Father, that I have committed all these sins and I don't have time to sit and analyze them. For each one, I need a blessing. When Mohammad was presented with this vision, he laughed". Perhaps it was the expression of Yoshada and Yoshidi, mother and father, holding these two people in their boobs eternally and milking them with human milk. While the whole world celebrates heaven, is what Muhammad saw as a vision.