Venture Capital Reaction - Economic Recession & #NBA #NFT #dogecoin

At Shop Ventures NFT, watching our work with NASA, super confidential, compared to NFT markets. Before we started the work, we were in NFT, now in NFT2. We were in web3 before - Jack Dorsey, twitter founder already suggested web5 and Marc Andreessen, web4. One venture capital from Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Mountain View area, says, "note: if i haven't responded to your first cold pitch email, and your 2nd and 3rd reminders, then maybe i'm not gonna... so please fucking stop.". In response, the other venture capital, also sort of part of NBA Golden State Warriors ownership, shows picture of, with another venture capital on the airplane. An old CEO, part wanna be venture capital, says, "Shocking. Our country is moving backwards in time at nearly every turn possible." Another VC, tried to explain Roe vs Wade, "i strongly agree with roe v. wade and i don't agree with it being overturned--very sad day but it exposes a flaw in our system both times--the supreme court as unelected lifetime-appointment legislative body (turns out you can even mis-state your views under oath!) is not good".